Shaik Akbar
Books And People Inspire Me...
There is always a way to find the answer to any question which is haunting you. Asking the right question to the right person is very important. Never try to find the solution of a mathematical equation at a language teacher. You will either end up failing or getting it wrong. If you have a question in theology you should either talk to a theologist or a student of theology but not a biologist or a student of biology only because both words end with “logy” 😜 because that doesn’t make sense.
Technology should have made our lives easier but many among us misused it to peddle fake information. You will find many self-proclaimed scholars, journalists, theologist etc out there. Beware. Don’t fall prey to fake information out there.
Welcome To My Website
I don’t write frequently. But when I write I don’t do it just like that. I will never post anything unless I verify it from the most authentic sources. I always try my best to make it as less controversial as possible. If you still find it controversial, you may be working in the wrong place or living in the wrong society, or you may already be hijacked with wrong news and false information. If you want to talk or ask me anything you can always contact me for more information.
Book Reviews
Books never disappoint you like people and a right book can change your life.Â
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Tafsir Ibn Kathir is one of those mufassireens whose tafsir has reached the normal people. It is said that his tafsir is the first one to be translated into English.Â